Wednesday 21 July 2010

my new 705

I have decided I am obssessed with this machine!

Tuesday 20 July 2010

My new 705!

Well what can I say about this bike? Firstly You can't fail to be impressed by the addition of front suspension and the disc brake. Handlebars are now better than the original 705 range and so are most things. Battery now sits tighter and more rigid than ever before. Shame the flip up seat is gone but it has been replaced by a suspension seat it works a treat!!! The rear light remains the same running off batteries but the new front light works from the main battery of the bike and has a switch on the handlebars to turn it on. Very useful indeed. The switch for the front light is part of the handlebar control box where you can turn on the power, see your battery levels and also change the level of assist. I can't really praise this bike enough. Just brilliant!!

Monday 19 July 2010

2010 Wisper 705 se CIty S

Well Pedals Plus Power now have one of the new 705's and what a bike!! Many improvements from the older model. We will add details tomorrow.

Busy day!

So busy today didnt get chance to eat my dinner let alone blog! Long day but a good one - electric bikes are taking off. Lovely new Wisper 705se in store - fantastic machine. 2010 range is better than ever!!

Sunday 18 July 2010

Ways to pay at Pedals Plus Power

Looming clouds

Not the best day for riding bikes when you take a look at the sky around the Vineyards today. However we have 2 people out on hire! I will keep my fingers crossed that the weather stays good for them!

Friday 16 July 2010

Wisper news

It appears Wisper bikes are selling well. 705's with 14amp batteries have gone already! Sold last one today and ordered an 8amp for my stock!

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Accessory announcement:

Currently our accessory range is very limited. Within the next few weeks we will be vastly expanding this and shortly after accessories and spares will be sold online. Anyone wanting to put in an advance order for anything they require please use:

Monday 12 July 2010

Weather :(

What on earth has happened to the sun? Its rain all the way here at the vineyards, nobody hiring bikes today!!

Friday 9 July 2010

Another long hot day

9th July 2010: Very hot down the vineyards today but not much sun! No one booked for hire neither.